Jay Abraham Super Book Collection

Book # 1

Joint Ventures: From Mediocrity to Millions

Topics Include...

  • The Incredible Value Of Joint Ventures
  • Ways Of Using Joint Ventures
  • The Most Common Mistakes JV Beginners Make
  • The Power Of Leverage
  • Finding The Deal
  • Highest And Best Use
  • Non-Linear Thinking
  • Distribution Networks
Click For Table Of Contents





  • “The Case Of The Missing Boxers” Saves YOU From Joint Venture Blunders
  • What Does Tom Sawyer Know That You Don’t?
  • What Is A Joint Venture? (The Answer Is Deceptively Simple, Yet Unbelievably Powerful!)


  • The “C” Word - How It Can Annihilate Your Efforts
  • Why Joint Ventures Are Bumping Mergers As Your Best Strategy
  • You Can’t Argue With Success: The JV Stats YOU Should Know


  • Why JVs Are The Ultimate Tactical Lever
  • Harness The Power of “O.P.M.” - Other People’s Money
  • How To Make Your Joint Ventures Deliver A Ton Of “Cluck For The Buck”
  • How You Can Build Your Own JV Empire
  • 11 Ways Joint Ventures Make YOU The Big Winner
  • 44 Additional Reasons Why Joint Ventures Can Make You A Small -- Or A HUGE -- Fortune
  • The Many JV Perks That Can Be YOURS (And Slippers Are Only One!)
  • A “Candy Store” Of Resources Awaits You


  • Turn Unused Assets Into Your Windfall
  • Mega-Successes Want To Share Their Secret With YOU!
  • How You, Too, Can Pull Rabbits From A Hat
  • A Cornucopia Of Opportunity Is Yours For The Taking


  • Here’s The Good News: You’ve Never Really Lost Your Creativity!
  • How You Can Turn One Person’s Distress Into Your Mutual Bonanza
  • You Can Easily Learn To Be A MASTER Joint Venturist -- Here’s How


  • Don’t Be Fooled By The Dark Side Of Leverage
  • The “Flip Side” Of Leverage Keeps You On High Ground


  • How To Unleash YOUR Creative Genius
  • Why You Can -- AND SHOULD -- Make The Rules


  • Discover Your Money Connection, And Unearth Riches
  • Put “The Perpetual Motion Remodeling Machine” To Work For YOU
  • Visualizing The Concept Will Line People Up Behind YOUR Venture
  • With Control, Understanding, And Mastery Of The Deal… YOU Call All The Shots


  • Time Is Always Of The Essence - The Tenet That Works In YOUR Favor
  • How Prioritization Amplifies Your EVERY MOVE
  • Outsource Your Way To Massive Wealth
  • How The Mythical “The Man For All Seasons” Sabotages Your Life
  • “Home, James…” - Two Golden Words That Can Super-Charge Your Day


  • How You May Be Diluting Your Own Hard-Won Success
  • The Low-Hanging Fruit Yields Your Sweetest Rewards
  • How You May Be Setting Your Prospects Up For The Big Fall
  • Don’t Be Fooled By The Online Marketing Fantasy


  • How To Find YOUR Match Made In Heaven
  • How Your Prospect’s “Worst” Problem Can Be Your BEST FRIEND
  • “Access + Affinity + Delivery = Perfect Setup” - Your Infallible Success Equation
  • HEED THIS WARNING SIGN: “Spikes May Cause Severe JV Damage...”
  • Know EXACTLY When Financing Your JV Makes Irrefutable Sense
  • What YOU Can Learn From A Hooker
  • Tie Up The Rights, Then Test The Venture - Your Path To Prosperity
  • The Well-Worded Opener That Will Seal Your Deal


  • Why You Should NEVER “Settle” For One-Shot Deals
  • Get The Deal By The Tail - And YOU Can Wag The Dog!
  • Wearing Two Hats Can Double Your “Take”
  • Why YOU Have An Edge Over ANY Finance MBA


  • The Dollars and “Sense” Reality That Works In Your Favor
  • Why Distribution Is Your Key To Unlimited Wealth
  • Learn The Secret Of The Real Estate “Masters”
  • How To Craft The Contract That Bridges Crucial Gaps And Protect YOUR Interests
  • Why Establishing Your “Payday” Keeps The Wheels Turning
  • “Every Last Penny”-- The Adage That May Dilute Your Efforts
  • When To Expect “An Open Book” - And What To Do When It’s Closed
  • How To Keep Your Deal On The Straight And Narrow Path
  • How You’ll Know When It’s NOT About Money
  • Anything’s Up For Grabs - Your “Unlimited Options” Mantra
  • The Million-Dollar Question: “Who Has What YOU Want?”


  • When “He Said, She Said” Is A GOOD Thing For Your Deals
  • Know When You Need Celebrity Endorsement - AND When You DON’T
  • How To Harness The Power Of Capital Investment
  • How To Tap Into ”The Mother Lode”
  • Instant Credibility Can Be YOURS - Here’s How
  • The Psychology

Here’s How to Get Started…Finding the Right Endorsers to Promote You and Product or Service 

How to Sell The Concept to The Endorser

Key Point: Endorsements are NOT a One Shot Deal---Structure Them As a ongoing Relationship, Profit Center, Revenue Stream

How Much Affinity Does this Endorser Have?

From Concept to Offer

If Your Business is a Start-Up?

What Do Potential JV Partners Look For?

“I Found a JV Partner! -- How Should I Compensate Them?”

The Value of Names and E-Mail Addresses

Compensation as Motivation

Letters of Agreement

The Hardest Part and the Key To Success


How To Get -- AND STAY -- Squarely In The Middle Of Your Deal


  • Thinking “Out of the Box” Opens The Vault
  • The Diving Board Model - A “Springboard” To Disaster
  • How The Power Of The Parthenon Supports Your Modern Empire
  • Licensing Successful Processes Extends Your Reach - And Explodes Your Results



  • How To Know When To Enlist The Competition
  • When To Target The Big (And Not-So Big) Fish… And How To Know The Difference
  • Opening The Dialogue 101 - Your Wealth-Building Primer
  • Why Your Communications Should Literally DROWN In Confidence
  • How To Capture The Perfect Tone For Your Proposals
  • How To Know When To “Play Your Ace”
  • Why Personal Contact Is Absolutely Indispensable
  • “It’s All About Them” - Words You MUST Live By
  • How To Reach The Finish Line… One Step At A Time
  • How To SUPER-GLUE Your Prospects To YOUR Goals
  • A Simple Test Could Reveal This Classic Win/Win


  • What To Do If Your Proposal Is STILL Refused
  • How To Eliminate The Risk For Your Prospect And Smooth Your Path To “Yes!”
  • How To Keep The Deal Moving


  • Common Mistake #1: Dwelling Too Much on the Theory
  • Common Mistake #2: Not Knowing How to Communicate
  • Common Mistake #3: Biting Off More Than You Can Chew
  • What A Crash Course For An “Olympic Hopeful” Can Teach YOU
  • Why Mentorships Can Be INVALUABLE
  • How Overextending Your Capabilities Send You Into A Tailspin
  • Why I’m Happy To Tell YOU… “Yes, Even I Make Mistakes!”
  • What To Do If Your Joint Venture Falls Flat
  • How To Make Progressive Communications YOUR Key To The JV Kingdom
  • Put The Awesome Power of Collaboration To Work FOR YOU
  • Case Studies Put Experience Under YOUR Microscope
  • Discover These Four Keys to YOUR JV Success
  • “You Only Have Two Hands…” And How That CAN’T Hurt You!
  • Make The Sky YOUR Limit
  • What The “Jay Abraham School of Franchising” Has To Teach YOU
  • How The JV Mindset Unleashes Your JV Empire
  • How Many Small Victories Will Balloon Your Joint Venture Success



  • How Reverence For Your Contribution (Or Lack Thereof) Will Make Or Break Your Deal
  • How To Stay On The RIGHT Side Of A Very Fine Line


  • Why You MUST Know The Difference Between Giving Information And Giving Advice
  • Why It’s YOUR Job To Help Provide Focus
  • Your Essential Success Secret: People Buy For Emotional Benefit
  • Six Critical Questions to Ask Before You Do ANY Promotion
  • 12 Words That Will Change Your Life Forever:
  • Why You MUST Sell End Result, Not Steps to Get There
  • Why “Show Me” Is More Powerful Than “Tell Me”
  • Ways To Put Massive Success Within Your Prospects’ -- AND YOUR -- Grasp
  • Why You MUST ALWAYS Make The Customer The Center of Attention



  • The Curious Observation That May Change Your ENTIRE Outlook
  • How Accepting Mediocrity Is KILLING Your Future
  • Principle #1: There Are No Rules
  • What Are Your Rules? (Your Own Answer May Surprise YOU!)
  • Principle #2: Waking Up From Cultural Hypnosis And Mental Myopia
  • How Looking Out Windows, Not In Mirrors Will Change Your Life
  • Principle #3: It’s Easier To Make Large Leaps Than Little Steps
  • Principle #4: Knowing How And Where To Invest Your Time
  • Principle #5: Stepping Outside Of Your Box
  • Principle #6: Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities
  • Principle #7: Creative Emulation
  • The Five Critical Factors Of Passion That Will Open Your Eyes
  • The Entrepreneurial Mindset’s Twelve Elements - Why You Should Make Them Yours
  • Are You A Charity?
  • What You Can Learn From The FedEx Model
  • Learn The Secret To My Own Success - The ONLY Three Ways To Grow A Business
  • Your Most Revealing Question Are You Limiting Yourself?
  • How The Power Of Relationships Builds Momentum FOR You
  • Everyone Can Use A Push: How To Ensure That Others Are Furthering YOUR Goals 
  • Eight Power Principles That Will Guarantee Your JV Success
  • The Eternal Value of Integrity: How It Focus Your Entire World
  • The Essential Keys To Having A Good Reputation Deal With A Couple Of Issues:
  • YOU Can Choose Your World


  • Let’s Define An Asset
  • Your Skills List: The List That Will Open Your Eyes
  • Your Knowledge List: YOU Are A Valuable Resource
  • Your Relationship List: A List That Will Multiply Your JV Power
  • Your Greatest Opportunity Is… (The Answer Will Surprise You!)
  • How To Reframe Your World To Create Massive Success







Book # 2

How To Think Like A Marketing Genius

Topics Include...

  • Marketing Mindset Demystified
  • How to Value Yourself in Transactions
  • Be A Deal Maker!
  • People Need Solutions, Not Strategy
  • The Psychology of Breakthrough Thinking
  • Lower Your Clients Barrier Of Resistance
  • Why Don’t You Raise Your Prices?
  • There Are No Rules…
Click For Table Of Contents

Chapter One: Jay Abraham Business Building and Marketing Mindset Demystified

  • Principle Number 1: Find Joy In Your Life’s Work 15
  • How Do You Find What Brings You Joy? 16
  • Principle Number 2: Discover the Secrets of Successful People 17
  • Fire In Their Belly 17
  • Insatiable Childlike Sense Of Discovery… 18
  • Principle Three: Focus 19
  • Change Your Focus… And People Will Flock To You! 21
  • Most People Don’t Have A Clear Definition Of Their Problem 23
  • Principle Four: \Perspective - The Mindset to Make You Wealthy! 24
  • Always Look for Opportunities – Your Secret Wealth! 24
  • The Power of One Little Phone Call… 25
  • Principle Five: Know Your Purpose 27
  • Fall In Love With Your Customer 30
  • Provide Reassurance And Motivation To Use Your Solution 33
  • Principle Nine: The Power of Being Strategic 37
  • Principle Ten: Creative Emulation 37
  • The Concept of Emulation in Action… 39
  • Principle Eleven: Exploit Every Under-Utilized Asset 41
  • Use Your Goodwill… 42
  • From Raw Unrecognized Asset To Transactional Bottom-Line Profit 43
  • What Are The Assets You’ve Got? 43
  • Principle Twelve: Do Not Limit Yourself 44
  • Principle Thirteen: Emphasis the Benefits 45
  • Principle Fourteen: Time –Your Most Valuable Asset / Your Most Expensive Opportunity Cost 46
  • How to Overcome Procrastination – A Very Simple Process! 46
  • A Technique So Simple Yet So Powerful – It’s Embarrassing! 50
  • Don’t Avoid Doing The More Intimidating Things… Embrace Them With A Full Sense Of Adventure And Passion! 51
  • Accomplishment Early In The Day Fuels Your Desire To Achieve More… 52
  • Tricks-Of-The-Trade For Staying On Track 53
  • Principle Fifteen: The Axiom for Life…You Make the Rules! 54
  • You Don’t Have To Do What Everybody Else Does… 55
  • Out-Of-Work Chef In Colorado Strikes It Rich! 57
  • It’s Just A Matter Of A Different Positioning… 58
  • There Are No Rules… 59
  • Principle Sixteen: Never Become a Commodity 59
  • How Any “Commodity” Business Can Be Transformed 60
  • Even The Ultimate “Commodity” Can Be Sold At A “Proprietary Premium” 61
  • Principle Seventeen: Enormous Profit Potential In Sequential Marketing 62
  • Principle Eighteen: Everything You Do In A Business Is A Process… 63
  • Principle Nineteen: What Business Should You Go Into? 64
  • How Do You Find These Opportunities? 65
  • Are You Worthy of the Goal? 66
  • Resources That Helped Me Immensely 67
  • I Have $4 Billion Worth Of Successes… 68

Chapter Two: Value Who You Are And What You Offer

  • Value What You Do 71
  • Model Success 72
  • Look At What’s Possible… 72
  • Why Don’t You Raise Your Prices? 73
  • Many People Respect A Higher Priced Service! 73
  • A Powerful Claim With Proof Will Support Your Price Rise 75
  • Your Self-Image Has A Major Impact On Your Income 77
  • How to Value Yourself in Transactions 77
  • You must believe you are worth it… 78
  • Keep In Mind The Value You Bring To The Table 79
  • Change The Rules! Play YOUR Own Game… 80
  • How Clients of Mine Changed the Rules and Created Enormous Value 80
  • How To Protect Your Financial Security And Optimizing Your Potential 87
  • You Must Break Out Of The Box… 88
  • Charge A Percentage Of The Savings Or Profit 89
  • Quadruple Your Income By Doing What You’ve Always Done… 90
  • Don’t Undervalue Your Skills 91
  • Why Your Really Worth $600,000 – not $50,000! 92
  • Advocate Your Own Value 93
  • Have a Super Salesman Represent You! 94
  • 90% Of People Couldn’t Sell If Their Lives Depended Upon It… 95
  • Focus On That Which You Love To Do! 96
  • You Are Worth A Great Deal More Than Your Salary Would Indicate… 97
  • Which would you prefer – making 10% or 210%? 98
  • Figure Out What You Do Well! 99
  • How Valuing What I Do Brings Greater Value To You 99
  • Borrow great success strategies… 100
  • Don’t Cut Yourself Off From Everything You Know 102
  • Taking Major Risks IS NOT Necessary! 102
  • Profit Enormously From Your Expertise… 103
  • Denominate the results! 104
  • Tell Your Story… 105
  • Make Your Contribution…And Riches Will Follow 106
  • Remove Risk From The Shoulders Of Others 107
  • Perform In Areas Where You Know You Are Good! 108
  • Existing Businesses Can Deliver A Windfall! 108
  • If You Know What You Are Looking For… 108
  • Don’t Set Yourself Up To Be An Isolated “Island”… 109
  • Be A Deal Maker! 110
  • Here Is A Way To Learn Invaluable Information From Your “Competitors” 112
  • Start Without Committing Your Own Capital 113
  • What Do You Know That Can Add Incredible Value? 114
  • Leverage The Resources Of Others… 115
  • Being Appreciative vs. Being Appreciated 115
  • Life Is All About Contribution, Value, Benefit…. 118
  • Appreciate Is The Crux Of Knowing What You Are Really Worth… 119
  • Demand The Highest And Best Return Always… 120
  • Referrals Are The Highest Level Of Acknowledgement Of The Value You Have In People’s Eyes… 123
  • Interview with Paddy Lund 125

Chapter Three: Fall In Love With Your Customers

  • The Most Powerful Intangible Asset You Can Possess… 130
  • See Yourself As Becoming An Agent Of Change, A Creator Of Value, A Value Contributor… 133
  • People Need Solutions, Not Strategy… 135
  • Leave your clients better off than when they started with you! 136
  • Don’t Make Conclusive Statements… 137
  • Let Them Take Ownership… 138
  • Don’t Pay The Price For Showing Off Your Brilliance… 139
  • Lower Your Clients Barrier Of Resistance 140
  • Your Clients Want To Feel Like You Worry About Them 141
  • The More I Let You In On My Process… The More You Buy Into It 142
  • Companies Fall In Love With The Wrong Thing… 143
  • Fall In Love With Your Team Members Too… 143
  • A Conversation with Tony Robbins - Passion Made Easy! 146
  • Passion Is Drive… And Drive Is The Single, Most Important Element To Success In Anything… 146
  • You Must Create A Magnificent Obsession 147
  • Passion Is One Of The Ultimate States… 148
  • “Describe to me the business from hell.” 149
  • We Have Unconscious Beliefs That Control Every Aspect Of How We Interact With Our Business, And With Our Life. 150
  • Find And Focus Your Passion 151

Chapter Four: The Strategy of Preeminence

  • You Are Your Clients Ultimate Trusted And Respected Advisor 153
  • What Is Innovation – How It Will Make You Rich! 154
  • The Psychology of Breakthrough Thinking 155
  • Create A Powerful, Continual, Formalized, And Systematic “Funnel”… 156
  • Amazon.com – How Their Strategy of Preeminence Fueled Their Stratospheric Growth 161
  • Don’t Settle For The Day-To-Day Status Quo Existence 163
  • Why In The World Would You Allow Your Business To Be Worth Less Than It Could? 164
  • Why We All Need To Be Held Accountable… 165
  • Key Points for Your Strategic Mind Set 166
  • Creativity And Innovation Is Not Limited To You 168
  • The Value Of Looking Outside Of Your Industry 168
  • Avoid The Inertia Of Your Industry… 169
  • Creative Emulation - The Ultimate “How-To”… 170
  • Redesign Your Business For Massive Growth… 171
  • The Secret Of This Success Lay In Two Areas Of Discipline… 172
  • Start Probing The Minds Of Other People For Profitable Ideas… 173
  • You Get What You Want When You Make The Rules… 175
  • You Don’t Get If You Don’t Ask… 177

Chapter Five: Optimization

  • Your Goal Is To Diversify And Stabilize Your Business And Protect It At All Costs… 180
  • Maximum Results For The Time With The Minimum Risk, The Minimum Effort, The Minimum Expense 181
  • Deming’s Philosophy 182
  • What Deming’s Principles Mean For Your Business 183
  • A Philosophy Of Optimization 183
  • Raise The Baseline And Reduce The Variance… 185
  • Build Success Upon A Foundation Of Pillars 186
  • Build Multiple Pillars Of Success 186
  • Sell Your Customers on Your Philosophy 188
  • Profit By Optimizing Your Personal Philosophy 188
  • Profit By Optimizing Your Business Purpose 189
  • Consider the Implications For Your Business 191
  • It’s Time to Take Inventory 192
  • Systemization For Greater Profits and Less Work 199
  • Remember Abraham’s Law of Optimization 200
  • Set Up An Information Gathering And Discovery Process 201
  • There are Three Ways to Grow a Business 202
  • 34 Marketing Strategies Which Make Up the Three Ways to Grow Your Business 202

Chapter Six: The Moving Parade

  • The “Moving Parade” is a very powerful dynamic… 205
  • People Are on a Continuum… 206
  • Not Only Are Your Customers A Moving Parade, But Your Products Are Also A Moving Parade… 208
  • Implications for Your Service Business 209
  • Implications for Your Professional Practice 210
  • Implications for Real Estate 211
  • Implications for a Retailer 213
  • Implications for the Technology Industry 213
  • The “Moving Parade” is a “River of Customers” 215
  • The “Baskin Robbins” Theory 216

Chapter Seven: Unique Selling Proposition

  • What is your USP? 219
  • Use Your USP To Profit Massively… 221
  • Ideally, A USP Is One Statement… 221
  • The USP: A Key Factor 223
  • Articulating your Unique Selling Proposition 223
  • How To Create a Unique Selling Proposition 224
  • Your USP — Your Killer Concept 226
  • Identify Needs That Are Going Unfulfilled In Your Industry 227
  • Focus On One Niche 228
  • Keep The Promises You Make 229
  • Clearly state your USP, preferably in the headline 229
  • Attract Customers and Conquer the Competition By Being Unique 229
  • Why a Unique Selling Proposition? 231
  • Stay Away from Empty Words 232
  • Deal In Highly Demonstrable Specifics — Comparable Specifics 233
  • Ask Yourself this Question 234
  • Give Them Your Solution — Or Somebody Else Will 235
  • Unique Selling Proposition Examples 236
  • What Affects Your Buying Decisions? 238
  • Be Able to Deliver on Your USP 239
  • Test to Find Your Ideal USP… 240
  • Marketing Your Uniqueness: Use Your USP in Ads and Promotions — And Get Results 241
  • The “Broad Selection” USP 241
  • The “Service-Oriented” USP 242
  • The “Value-Oriented” USP 243
  • The “Discount Price” USP 244
  • The “Snob-Appeal” USP 246
  • Adopt A USP That Addresses An Obvious Void In The Marketplace 247
  • Be Clear And To The Point 248
  • Suggestions On Finding Your Niche 249
  • Embrace, Believe, Postulate Your USP With Everyone 250
  • Use Your USP To Create Repeat Sales 251
  • Extend Your USP 252
  • Make Yourself Special To Your Customers 256
  • Jay and Joel Roberts Talk About Your USP 256
  • A “Hot Seat” That Targets Your USP 258

Chapter Eight: Lifetime Value

  • Understanding the Lifetime Value of your Customer (a.k.a. Marginal Net Worth) 265

Chapter Nine: Leverage and Exponential Business Growth

  • The Nine Driver’s of Upside Leverage and Exponential Business Growth 267
  • How Do You Change Strategies? 271
  • What Is the ROI On Your Own Capital Expenditures? 274
  • Double Your Profit By Adding Just One More… 277
  • Give Yourself Four Times The Budget… 277
  • How To Find Superstar Salespeople… 279
  • Profit By Tapping Into Your Contacts Regularly… 280
  • Like To Improve Your Business 2,100%? 284
  • Study Other People’s Ideologies… 286
  • The Missing Link —The Elusive Final Piece Of The Puzzle… 288
  • You Shouldn’t Steal From Yourself… 289
  • It’s Going To Transform Your Life… 290
  • “Funnel Vision Vs. Tunnel Vision” 291
  • You Have Three Tiers Of Clients 293
  • There Are Three Ways To Grow A Business… 294
  • The Principle of Multiple Pillars of Income 295
  • The Force Multiplier Effect 298
  • Adversity Truly Is Opportunity For People Who Learn To Embrace Challenge… 299
  • Take On Calculated Investments… 300

Chapter Ten: Benefits Over Features

  • People Care Most About What Is Going To Benefit Them 301
  • How Do You Find The Highest Benefit? 302

Chapter Eleven: Why Establishing Trust Is Essential To Success

  • Why You Must Develop Goodwill with Your Customers 306
  • Your Highest and Best Use… 306
  • Opportunities and Options to Maximize Everything You Do 307
  • Trust is the Foundation of Relationships 309
  • The Three-Fold Way To Assure People They Can Trust You 311
  • The Value Of Consultative Selling 313
  • Why Empathy Is Critical 314
  • The Value In Host / Beneficiary Relationships 315
  • Make Your Offer Better… 316
  • “You’re Only Going To Benefit.” 317
  • There’s Another Side Of Trust –You Have To Trust The Client 319
  • Did You Know That You Already Have The Answers… 320
  • Make Sure You’re Talking To The Right Market 321

Chapter Twelve: Always Ask Questions

  • Figure Out What In The World Is Powering This Result… 324
  • The Power In Thinking About Combinations 325
  • “Where’s The Big Opportunity Here That Nobody Else Sees? 326
  • Connectivity is a Powerful Key to Success 328
  • Ask Questions to Find Your USP 328
  • Internet Marketing Consultation Questionnaire 329
  • Goals and General Internet Marketing Strategy Questions 329
  • Website Optimization Questions 331
  • “Email Marketing” Optimization Questions 332
  • How to Come Up With Money Making Ideas 333
  • Do Not Limit Your Scope… 334
  • You Can Learn Instantaneously Just by Questioning 335
  • Become A “Lateralist”! 336
  • The Value Of One Good Idea Acted Upon... 337
  • Accumulated Intellectual Capital at Virtually No Cost 337
  • Question Sequence for Telephone Selling 339

Chapter Thirteen: Upgrade Your Business Performance

  • The Golden Secrets of Success 341
  • Why Shabby Acts Comprise – A Sure-Fire Formula For Failure 342
  • The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie 343
  • Other Forms Of Business Dishonesty That Will Limit Success… 344
  • Companies Get Big Because They Practice Honesty 344
  • Word of Mouth is Critical 345
  • Without Integrity, No Company Can Have Positive Word Of Mouth 347
  • Make No Unwarranted Claims, Dubious Promises Or Predictions… 347
  • Service Starts With Empathy 349
  • This Is How To Make A Million Dollars… 350
  • Do Whatever Everyone Else In Your Competitive Marketplace Is Not Doing 351
  • Make Prospective Clients Overwhelmingly Delighted With You 351
  • Your Primary Task is to Add Value 353
  • The Universal Truth: Actions Speak Louder Than Words 353
  • Lemons Into Lemonade – How To Turn Around Even Dissatisfied Customers 355
  • Increase Your Customer’s Perceived Value and Unlock Your Profits 356
  • Always Qualify Your Prospects Up Front 357

Chapter Fourteen: Know Your Target Market

  • Write Down Everything You Know Generically About Your Customers 359
  • Get Back In Touch With The Real, Live Pulse Of Your Marketplace 361
  • Marketing To Your Customer’s “Comfort Zone” 362
  • The “Stair-Step” Approach To Marketing 363

Chapter Fifteen: Educate Your Customers

  • The Cornerstone of Marketing is Education 367
  • Take Your Customer By the Hand 368
  • Educate People to Appreciate the Value of What You Deliver 369
  • Tell Your Customers the Truth 369
  • Position Your Company As An Industry Expert 371
  • Send Out Press Releases 372
  • Defer “Self-Serving” For “Education-Rendering” Marketing 373
  • How To Win People Over In Droves 374
  • Educate Before You Ask Anybody To Buy 376
  • Make Them An Irresistible Offer… 377
  • Use Preemptive Marketing to Make Customers Think of You First 377
  • “Tell Your Story”! 378
  • Educate … Educate … Educate Your Customers and They Will Buy 380
  • Educate Your Customers by Giving “Reasons Why” 381
  • Massive Profits Are In The Back-End 382
  • An Illustrative Example of the “Because Factor” 384
  • Don’t Forget Credibility, Even On The Smaller Ticket Items 385
  • Increase the Perceived Value of Your Product or Service Through Better Customer Education 386
  • Ramp Up Desirability By Educating… 387
  • Value Is A Matter Of Perception, Not Just Reality 389
  • Educate the Prospect 391
  • Using “Paper Perceived Value” for the Ethical Bribe 392
  • The Ethical Bribe Technique Has Made My Clients Millions Of Dollars… 392
  • The Better-Than-Risk-Free-Guarantee 393
  • Please, Tell Me Your Reasons Why! 394
  • Let People In On The “Method To Your Madness” 395
  • The More Factual You Are With Me, The More I’ll Favor You 396
  • Motivating Your Clients To Action 397

Chapter Sixteen: Make the Best Offer Possible

  • Offer Greater Units of Purchase, Package Products Together, Give Price Inducements, and Make
  • Irresistible Offers 401
  • A Phenomenon That Has Driven A Multi-Billion Dollar Industry 401
  • Offer Bigger Units Of Sale, Bigger Inducements, And Bigger Packages… 402
  • Why Packaging Isn’t Just For Products 403
  • Offer Larger Units Or Higher Quality 404
  • Offer Price Inducements for Frequency 408
  • More Communication = Greater Profits For Life… 410
  • The Concept of Frequency 411
  • Offer Larger Units Of Purchase… 413
  • Test It For Yourself… 415
  • Are You Making Irresistible Offers? 416
  • Honor Frequent Purchasers for Being Special 416
  • Just Figure Out What You Can Do, And Then Test It 417
  • “I Have Generated Forty To Fifty Million Dollars Worth Of Lifetime Subscriptions” 419
  • Don’t Think They Are Not Being Lured By Your Competition… 420
  • Use Card Programs or Rebates 422
  • Making Irresistible Offers and Telling the “Reasons Why” 423
  • Convert Inquiries from Sales by Making Irresistible Offers 424
  • You Must Have Total Confidence In Your Product 425
  • It’s All A Numbers Game… 425
  • Ask Your Best Customers What They Want 426
  • Don’t Ignore The Possibilities in Packages… 432
  • Always Add to Each Transaction 433

Chapter Seventeen: Be In Front and Stay In Front of Your Customers

  • Communicate Personally With Your Customers 439
  • The More Frequently You Communicate From The Heart About Their Interests… The Greater The
  • Connection… 440
  • People Are Silently Begging To Be Led 441
  • Don’t Forget About The “Moving Parade” 442
  • How To Be Booked Weeks In Advance… 443
  • Communication Must Be Strategic… 443
  • People Need A Third Perspective 444
  • You Are Their Most Trusted And Valued Friend 446
  • Become a Customer Or Client’s Pen Pal 446
  • “Pen-Pal” Marketing 447
  • The “Secret” of Communication… 448
  • Examples from All Types of Businesses 448

Chapter Eighteen: Constantly Test Everything

  • Don’t Ever Assume! Constantly Test Everything 457
  • How To Test 457
  • Keyed Response — The Key To Testing 458
  • Never Test Big If You Can Test Small 459
  • Telephone Testing 460
  • Direct Mail Testing 460
  • A Few Examples From My Files 462
  • Go Out in the Field and Test 463
  • For the Advanced Tester 464
  • Fast-Track Marketing Vehicles… 465
  • Putting It All Together 466
  • Hopkins In A Nutshell 467
  • Human Nature Is The Same Today 470
  • As In The Time Of Caesar 470
  • Remember To Always Test Your Direct Mail 471

Chapter Nineteen: Process Marketing Mindset

  • What Is Process Marketing? 473
  • Seven To Twelve Calls To Close The Sale 473
  • Break It Down To A Sequence Of Layers 474
  • All Communications Must Convey Value 475
  • Never Let Them “Off-The-Hook” 476
  • Explain, Describe, Articulate, Dimensionalize… 477
  • Process Marketing Has A Proven Science Behind It… 478
  • Real Estate Example of Process Marketing 479
  • Medical Practice Example of Process Marketing 481
  • Retailer Example of Process Marketing 482
  • Process Marketing for Artists 483
  • Process Marketing for the Service Industry 484
  • Jay Abraham’s Strategic Marketing Mindset Presentation 486
  • Seven-Step Marketing Implementation System 487
  • Three Ways to Grow Any Business 493

Book # 3

How To Grow Your Business Geometrically I

Topics Include...

  • Reactivate Old Clients
  • Get Your Clients to Buy More and More Often
  • 37 Ways and Examples to Nurture Customers Through Communication
  • Three Ways to Reverse Risk
  • Referrals in Four Easy Steps
  • New Profit Centers Change Customer’s Marginal Net Worth
  • Targeted, Leveraged Approach
  • 12 Points Of (Often Free) Distribution
Click For Table Of Contents

Chapter One: Reactivate Old Clients

  • Attrition Happens for Relatively Simple Reasons 1
  • You Have an Obligation to Show How Much You Care 2
  • Reestablish Contact 3
  • Half of Your Inactive Customers Stopped for No Good Reason 4
  • Enrich Your Customers and Enrich Yourself in the Process 5
  • You Have Everything to Gain, Nothing to Lose 6
  • Stay Connected and Avoid Attrition 6
  • Communicate, Communicate, Communicate 7
  • Reactivating Old Customers & Clients...featuring Michael Basch 9
  • To Escape The Ordinary You’ve Got To Look At The Outrageous 10
  • What’s Extraordinary Today Is Ho-Hum Tomorrow 15
  • Look At It From Your Customer’s Perspective 17
  • Be Constantly Innovative 18
  • What To Do When You’re Front Page on The Wall Street Journal 20
  • Get Really Clear About Where You’re Going 21
  • Examples of Customer Reactivation 35

Chapter Two: Communicate Frequently With Your Customers

  • Get Your Customers to Buy More and More Often 38
  • Follow-Up 39
  • Reinforce The Buyer’s Buying Decision 42
  • Practice Perpetual Reselling and Cross-Selling 43
  • Begin A Perpetual Communication With Your Customers 44
  • Repeat Business For Many Is An Untapped Gold Mine 45
  • Moving Parade 49
  • Work Your Customer List And Your Prospects 55
  • Why Follow-Up Selling Is Worthwhile 57
  • Never Rule Out Telemarketing 57
  • Post-Purchase Reassurance 58
  • Repeat Sales and The USP 59
  • Communicating With Your Prospects 60
  • The Easiest Way to Grow is to Stop Losing Customers 64
  • Build Relationships and Keep in Touch 65
  • Keep Track of and Develop Relationships with Your Customers 70
  • Value Customers by Communicating Frequently 71
  • 37 Ways and Examples to Nurture Customers Through Communication 73
  • Be Proactive to Outsell the Reactive 76
  • The Gold Mine Under Your Nose 77
  • Show A Continual Interest In Your Past Customers 79
  • Communicate Personally, Formally, and Consistently 84

Chapter Three: Risk Reversal

  • Reverse Risk to Put Your Sales in Forward Drive 86
  • Removing the Risk 88
  • Put Your Business in Fast Forward Through Reversed Risk 89
  • Three Ways to Reverse Risk 89
  • Who’s Afraid of Reversed Risk? 92
  • Can You Profit from Refunds? 93
  • Put Your Offer to the Test 93
  • Half-Hearted is Half-Baked 94
  • Emphasize Risk Reversal 95
  • An Offer They Can’t Refuse: Develop a Powerful Risk-Reversal Approach 96
  • Risk-Reversal Questions: 98
  • Turn The Tables on Risk in Your Sales Proposition 99
  • Risk Reversal Is A Strong Conversion Technique 99
  • My Most Liberal Guarantee Ever 100
  • The Power Of Risk Reversals And Preview Periods 102
  • Better Than Risk Free Guarantees 103
  • Performance Guarantees 103
  • Offer Extended Guarantees and Incentives 104
  • The Definition of Incentive 105
  • You Must Sell The Incentive 106
  • Elaborate on the Concept of Risk Reversal 107
  • The Better-than-Risk-Free Guarantees with a Bonus 108
  • Take the Risk Out of Relationships 109
  • Risk Reversal in Action 109
  • Risk Reversal Should Be Integral to Your Selling Process 110
  • How to Build an Effective Guarantee 111
  • Use the Strongest Guarantee You Can Offer 111
  • Take The Risk Out Of Buying 112
  • Build Trust with Your Guarantees 113
  • How to Strategically Implement Risk Reversal 115
  • Risk Reversal Improves Your Performance 118
  • Two Examples of Risk Reversal 118

Chapter Four: Referral Systems

  • Turn Your Best Customers Into Voluntary Sales Representatives 122
  • Don’t Settle for Passive Referrals 122
  • Revere the Benefits You Give 124
  • Referrals in Four Easy Steps 124
  • Offer a Special Incentive 125
  • Make Referral Sales by Forming a Club 126
  • Clubs Can Work for Any Business 127
  • Try More Than One System 128
  • How My Clients Have Profited Through Referrals 131
  • Real Life Success Stories 132
  • Five Step Plan for Getting Referrals 133
  • Never Turn A Customer Away: Referrals Are A Two-Way Street 134
  • A Referral May Not Be Worth As Much As A Sale, But It’s Something 135
  • Referral Systems Are The Key to Optimization and Exponential Growth 136
  • Information You Should Know In Order To Optimize Your Referral Systems 137
  • Referral System Template 138
  • The Exponential Effect of Referrals on a Business 144
  • Referral System Example 145
  • Referral Strategies 146
  • Require Your Customers To Give You Referrals 152
  • Stop Spending A Lot Of Money On Advertising 152
  • Use Cost-Effective Alternatives 152
  • Developing Referrals With And Without Your Customer Base 153
  • How to Use the 93 Referral Examples 156
  • 93 Referral Examples 158

Chapter Five: Host/Beneficiary Relationships And Joint Ventures

  • Reap The Rewards From Someone Else’s Advertising Budget 210
  • Host/Beneficiary Defined 212
  • Targeted, Leveraged Approach 212
  • Start by Making a List 213
  • Target Specific Companies, Starting with the Small Ones 214
  • Set Up the Appropriate Relationship 214
  • A Two-Way Valve for Profit Flow 215
  • Structuring The Deal 217
  • New Profit Centers Change Customer’s Marginal Net Worth 219
  • You Are Not Going To Gain A Customer For Free 220
  • Making It Work for You 221
  • Here’s How to Get The Relationship Going 222
  • Address the Fears of the Host Immediately 227
  • Typical Objections You Should Be Prepared to Answer 228
  • Things to Watch Out For 229
  • If It Doesn’t Cost You Time or Resources and Makes You Money, Do It 231
  • Start Out with a Pilot Program 231
  • Host/Beneficiary Relationship Examples 232
  • Three Reasons Why Businesses Do Not Implement Profitable Activities 236
  • Generate An Ongoing Stream Of Business 237
  • Joe Karbo’s Horse Gambling Paid Off 241
  • You’ll Be Amazed At What You Can Come Up With 242
  • Those Methods May Be “Unconventional” But They Work 243
  • Client Success Stories 244
  • The Economy Is Making It Easy For You! 249
  • Keep Your Eyes Open For Opportunities 251
  • Specific Applications 252
  • Piggyback 252
  • Give Your Host a Real Gift — Special Treatment 254
  • A Host/Beneficiary Works With Anyone 255
  • Joint Ventures 256
  • Joint Venture Marketing: A Broad Umbrella of Opportunities and Possibilities 259
  • Opportunities in Distressed Businesses 261
  • Link Your Business with Competitors 262
  • Keys to Endorsements 264
  • Grow Through Endorsements 265
  • Competitors Can Help You 266
  • Look at the Dynamics They Offer You 270
  • Look For Business Assets That Aren’t Being Maximized 270
  • Partner or Perish 273
  • Strategic Alliances Aren’t New 274
  • Endorsing Other People’s Products To Your List 276
  • Strategic Alliance Template 278
  • Your Most Valuable Asset is Your Goodwill 279
  • Endorsing Other Products or Services 284
  • Harry C. Picken’s Cross Promotion Ideas 287
  • 12 Points Of (Often Free) Distribution: 289

Book # 4

How To Grow Your Business Geometrically II

Topics Include...

  • The Strategy of Up-Sell, Cross-Sell
  • Fast Cash Boosters
  • When The Prospect Calls You
  • Building A Valuable Back-End
  • The ABC’s of Direct Marketing
  • How To Buy Media For Pennies On The Dollar
  • Putting Headlines To Work
  • How To Analyze Responses Carefully
Click For Table Of Contents

Chapter One: Upgrade Skills of Your Sales Staff

  • Benefits of Sales Training: (Strategic vs. Technique) 11
  • Formal Training Makes All The Difference 13
  • Increasing Sales Skills Levels 14
  • Take Action and Take Control 16
  • Increasing Sales Skills Levels – Vision Success Weekend 18

Chapter Two: Qualify and Pre-Frame

  • Qualifying Leads Up Front and Pre-framing Your Customers 31
  • Getting Leads From Your Competitors 36
  • Getting Vendors to Generate Leads for You 36
  • Lead Generation and Conversion 37
  • Pre-frame or Program Customers to Buy More and More Often 39
  • Give “TFN” Selling a Try 43
  • Pre-framing or Programming Customers 45
  • Use “Reasons Why” in Pre-Framing 48
  • A Wish, a Hope, and a Goal for Your Customers 49
  • Programming is Meeting Needs Systematically 50
  • Future Pacing Takes the Customer Forward 52
  • Offer Products or Services On a Timetable 56
  • Acquiring Qualified Lists 57
  • Know Your Target Market 57
  • Ways To Create Irresistible Offers 67

Chapter Three: POS, Cross-Sell, Up-Sell

  • Point of Sale Promotions, Up-Sell and Cross-Sell 71
  • The Strategy of Up-Sell, Cross-Sell is Based on Preeminence and Optimization 71
  • Up-Selling Should Be at the Top of Your List 74
  • Any Business Can Up-sell 75
  • Up-Selling Produces Exponential Returns 76
  • Up-selling Refers to Any Additional Sales Activity You Do at the Point of Sale 77
  • You Can Employ Up-selling Anywhere, Anytime in the Sales Process 78
  • Packaging Complementary Products Together 80
  • Larger Units of Purchase 83
  • Don’t Be Afraid of the Bump 84
  • Add Value When You Up-Sell and Cross-Sell 85
  • Bundle Products or Services 87
  • Sell ‘Em What They Want 87
  • Page 4
  • Use Point of Sale Promotions 89
  • Offer “Good, Better, Best” Options 90
  • Use Volume Discounts 91
  • Never Sell Them Less Than They Need! 91
  • Up-Selling Will Help You Grow 92
  • Up-sell Or Resell Right At, Or Immediately After, The Initial Sale 94
  • Fast Cash Boosters Up-Sell 94
  • Use This Script To Up-sell Your Customers Like Crazy 95
  • Two-Step Selling 96

Chapter Four: Enhancing Profits with Telemarketing

  • Grow Your Customer Base and Increase Transaction Frequency by Using Telemarketing 113
  • Using Telemarketing To Boost Your Profits 113
  • Maximize Telemarketing With Frequency and Consistency 118
  • Telephone Selling Behind Sales Letters 119
  • Never Rule Out Telemarketing 120
  • Meld Telemarketing To Your Operation 120
  • Uses and Applications for Telemarketing 121
  • Re-Examine Your Pricing 124
  • Organize Your Activity 125
  • Should You Undertake Telemarketing? 126
  • Check Up On Your Telemarketers 128
  • What Kind Of Product Or Service Lends Itself To Telemarketing? 130
  • Qualify Your Telemarketing Prospects 130
  • Don’t Telemarket To The Phone Book 130
  • Set Up Mail Before Calling 131
  • How To Hire Telemarketers 132
  • Two-Tier Calling Can Qualify Interested Parties 132
  • Keep The Telemarketers On The Phone 133
  • Monitor What Telemarketers Say 133
  • You Have About 30 Seconds To Appeal 134
  • Learn To Ask Questions — It’s The Best Way To Sell 134
  • A “Service” Call Is A Good Introduction 135
  • Telemarketing Don’ts 136
  • How To Use The Telephone 136
  • When The Prospect Calls You 136
  • How To Respond To A Prospect Who Writes 137
  • Using The Telephone To Follow Up Leads 138
  • Appraising Your Telephone Skills 142
  • Using Predicates in Telemarketing 144
  • A List of Predicate Words for Your Reference 144
  • A List of Predicate Phrases for Your Reference 145
  • Telephone Testing 147
  • Telemarketing Follow-Up 147
  • Examples Of Telemarketing In Action 148
  • Press Releases and Telemarketing 156

Chapter Five: Develop A “Back-End” Of Products and Services

  • Working the “Back-End” 197
  • Explore Back-End Selling 198
  • Make Conservative and Inexpensive Tests To Determine Your Market 200
  • Building A Valuable Back-End 200
  • Break Even on the Front-End 201
  • Marketing Mistake: Not Having A “Back-End” 203
  • Avoid the High Cost of Acquiring New Customers 204
  • Be Pro-Active on Behalf of Your Customer’s Best Interests 205
  • A Good Back End Makes a Good Business 207
  • Lifetime Value and Marginal Net Worth 208
  • The “Back-End” Must be Consistent with Your Primary Market 211
  • Dramatically Improving What You Do 216
  • Integrate “Back-End” Sales on an On-Going Basis 217
  • Distribution is Leverage 218

Chapter Six: Direct Response Advertising

  • What Is Direct Response Advertising? 221
  • The ABC’s of Direct Marketing 222
  • Why Use Direct Response Advertising 223
  • The Giant Companies Use Direct Mail 224
  • No Company Can Get By Without Advertising 224
  • Advertising is Nothing More than Salesmanship 227
  • Salesmanship in Print and/or Over the Air 228
  • Advertising is Salesmanship 228
  • Direct Response Sells Benefits 230
  • People Care Most about What is Going to Benefit Them 230
  • Direct Response as Opposed to Institutional Advertising 231
  • Ads Should Be Created to Stimulate a Direct Response — Immediate Action 231
  • Cut Back On Costly Institutional Advertising 232
  • Use Direct-Response Advertising, Not Image Advertising 233
  • Targeting Your Buyer – Your Platform 234
  • For a Bull’s Eye, Use the Right Arrow 235
  • Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition 236
  • Use Your USP 237
  • Choose Your Direct Marketing Media 237
  • Direct Mail 239
  • PI Advertising Can Make Sweet Deals For All 243
  • Who Does Per-Inquiry Advertising? 244
  • What Types of Media Allow Per-inquiry Advertising? 244
  • Timing Your PI Offers 245
  • Why Would An Advertising Medium 246
  • Use Per-Inquiry Advertising? 246
  • Bounce Back Advertising 248
  • A Few Things For You To Know About Classified Ads 249
  • How To Make Yellow Page Advertising Work For You 250
  • Television Advertising’s Unique Features 251
  • Are You Using Your Choice of Media Correctly? 252
  • “Drip-Feeding” is Better Than One “Big Bang” 254
  • Making A Deal 254
  • How To Buy Media For Pennies On The Dollar 254
  • How To Make Deals That Can Cut Your Advertising Cost 258
  • Identify Your Market 259
  • Your Lists and Markets 260
  • Envelope or Carrier 261
  • Your Teaser Envelope 261
  • Headlines: Key to a Successful Ad 262
  • Your Headline 263
  • Writing Good Headlines That Pull 264
  • How Many Words Should a Headline Contain? 265
  • Power Words Produce Powerful Results 266
  • Attraction of the Specific 266
  • What Kind of Rewards Do Good Headlines Promise? 267
  • Tips About a “Negative” Approach 267
  • Putting Headlines To Work 268
  • Headlines for “Broad Selection” USPs 270
  • Headlines for “Service-Oriented” USPs 271
  • Headlines for the “Snob Appeal” USP 271
  • Tips On Headlines That Work Best 272
  • The Primary Viewpoint — The “Point of You” 272
  • Now, Let’s Write a Headline for Your Business 273
  • Don’t Stop Now — The Fun Has Just Begun 274
  • Stale News to the Advertiser May Be Fresh News to the Reader 275
  • The Power of Emulation 275
  • Power Headlines Produce Powerful Results 276
  • A Sure-Fire System for Creating the Best Headlines for Your Client’s Ads 278
  • Ways to Strengthen Your Headline Once You Have Your Basic Idea 278
  • Headlines — the Most Important Element 280
  • Find The Dominant Benefit — Make That Your Headline 281
  • What Advertising Genius David Ogilvy Has to Say about Headlines 282
  • Claude Hopkins Has This to Say About Headlines 284
  • Who Needs A Good Headline? 284
  • Effective Copy Made Easy 285
  • Make The Reader A Guarantee 285
  • Where Would You Be Without Your Customers? 286
  • Put the Main Benefit in the Headline — Don’t Save It for Last 292
  • Don’t Put A Question In The Headline 292
  • Body Copy 298
  • Your Opener 299
  • Your Sell 300
  • Think of Your Customers as Individuals 300
  • Lead Your Customers To Buy 300
  • Let Your Customer Try Your Product 301
  • “Cheap” May Not Be Your Strongest Appeal 302
  • Personalizing Can Help You Sell Product 303
  • Avoid Diminishing the Value of Your Product 306
  • Target Your Prospects Appropriately 307
  • Don’t Brag — Just The Facts Please 307
  • Be Specific 308
  • Draw Your Claims From Your Foundation 309
  • Say It First — Preemptive Marketing 309
  • Tell A Story — Stories Appeal To Individuals 310
  • Creating Great Copy 310
  • A Proven Pattern for a Good Sales Pitch 311
  • Effective Ads Can Run For Years 312
  • Tell the Truth, But Make the Truth Fascinating 313
  • People Will — And Do — Read Long Copy 314
  • Every Advertisement Should Be A Complete Sales Pitch 314
  • The Powerful Case 315
  • Use Testimonials In Your Copy 316
  • Channel and Direct “Desire for the Product” To You 317
  • Sell The Benefits — The “Functional Product” — What It Does 318
  • Satisfy the Market’s Desire By Underscoring Benefits 320
  • Persuasion Techniques In Print 321
  • The More You Tell, The More You Sell 322
  • Promote What the Customer Really Wants 324
  • Do You Even “Need” To Compete On Price? 327
  • One Final Word On Price Cutting 328
  • Follow These Body Copy Tips 328
  • Credentialize Yourself 329
  • Your Offer 330
  • Emphasize Risk Reversal 331
  • Now Close the Sale 331
  • Testing is the Key to Successful Advertising 332
  • Don’t Change It Because You Are Tired of It 334
  • A Product Can Be Advertised Without Investment 334
  • Use Advertising To Do Product Acceptance Research 335
  • You Can Prove Advertising’s Effectiveness 336
  • Test Your Method of Illustration and Layout 337
  • Here’s How To Set Up Your Tests 338
  • Testing “Small” Can Reduce Downside Risks 340
  • Analyze Responses Carefully 342
  • The Importance of Your Headline 343
  • Don’t Forget to Test! 344
  • Cutting Your Cost Per Sale 346
  • A Few Steps To Maximizing Your Advertising 346
  • Key-Coding 347
  • Some Pointers on...Using Graphics To Sell 349
  • The Bottom Line On Advertising Lies With Its Integrity 350
  • Increase Your Lead And Inquiry Generation Through Advertising 351
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Ads 352
  • Ten Limitations of Small Ads 352
  • Ten Advantages of Small Ads 353
  • Print Advertising 357
  • A Key Point To Remember About Direct Response 359
  • Model On What Others Are Successfully Using 359
  • How To Use Illustrations To Help Advertisements Sell 360
  • Write Ads that Work 364
  • Giving Up Too Soon On What Works 366
  • Forgetting Who Your Customer Is 366
  • A Grab Bag of Cautions, Encouragements and Details 367
  • All-Time Great Gimmicks: 369
  • Stop Spending a Lot of Money on Advertising; Use Cost-Effective Alternatives 369
  • How to Save Advertising Dollars by Negotiating Per-Inquiry Deals with Media 370
  • Don’t Waste Advertising Dollars 372
  • Marginal Net Worth 373
  • Why People Keep Doing What They Do 374
  • Creative Emulation 378
  • How To Write A PI Ad 381
  • Getting PI Ads Placed 383
  • Print Advertising 384
  • Yellow Page Advertising 384
  • Commission Advertising 384
  • Producing Your Ad 386
  • Other Essentials 386
  • Launching a Mail-Order Division: 387
  • How to Establish a Mail-Order Division 387
  • Catalogs, Direct Mail Letters and Other Vehicles 388
  • Headline Examples 389
  • Headlines For Selling Financial Products and Services 400
  • Headlines For Recruiting Purposes 402
  • Headlines For Selling Subscriptions 403
  • Headlines For Selling Books 404
  • Headlines For Selling Personal Products 407
  • Headlines For Selling Home Study Courses 409
  • Headlines for Selling Business Services 411
  • Letter Templates 413
  • Direct Response Success Stories 415
  • Set Your Own Standard 433
  • Telemarketing 433
  • Should You Undertake Telemarketing? 433
  • Seven Keys to a Winning Sales Pitch 435

Book # 5

How To Grow Your Business Geometrically III

Topics Include...

  • Use Connecting Words…
  • The Power Of Affinity And Turning It Into Revenue
  • Find the Unique Hook
  • Telling the Right Story
  • When To Pitch Your Product
  • Special Events for Preferred Customers
  • Licensing Your Products and Services
  • Increase Your Sales With Barter
Click For Table Of Contents

Chapter One: Internet Marketing

Chapter Two: Direct Mail

  • Your Tireless Sales Force 16
  • The Reasons You Should Use Direct Mail 18
  • The Giant Companies Use Direct Mail 19
  • Put A Salesperson At Your Customer’s Convenience 19
  • Generate New Business 20
  • Direct Mail’s Many Uses 20
  • The Wizard Speaks 24
  • How to Make Direct Mail Work for You! 25
  • Putting the Package Together 26
  • Getting the Right List 30
  • Using Computers To Target Your Best Mailing List 31
  • Test, Test, and Test Again 36
  • A Step-by-Step Guide To Writing Effective Sales Letters and Brochures 38
  • The Seven Essentials of Powerful Sales Letters 39
  • Present The Facts, State The Basic Truths 44
  • How Long Should Your Letters Be? 57
  • Read Your Mail, See What “They” Are Doing 61
  • Fancy Stationery Offers No Advantage 61
  • Layout and Art 65
  • Envelopes 67
  • Get Immediate Action 70
  • Action Stimulators 73
  • Other Techniques To Close More Sales 76
  • That Personal Touch 79
  • Copywriting — To Outsource, Or Not To Outsource… That Is The Question 80
  • Analyzing the Copy 91
  • Human Interest Direct Response Copy 92
  • Use Connecting Words… 93
  • Joe Karbo’s Advice 94
  • The Power of Customer Endorsements 97
  • Use Testimonials 97
  • More On Testimonials Boosting Response 98
  • Crafting Your Brochure 100
  • Coupons Can Help You Track Response 102
  • Send Your Clients An Unexpected Gift 103
  • Tactics to Maximize Your Results — and Profits 104
  • The Power Of Affinity — Turning Affinity Into Revenue 104
  • Drastically Increase Revenue By Regaining Inactive Clients 107
  • Reestablish Contact 108
  • Regular Communication is Key 110
  • Arrange Third-Party Deals 111
  • Use Courtesy Mailings to Rev Up Sales 113
  • Planning Regularly Scheduled Contact with Customers 114
  • Continuity in Correspondence 114
  • Become a Customer Or Client’s Pen Pal 117
  • Finding Your Ideal Customer 118
  • A Lesson in Efficiency 119
  • Use a Targeted List 120
  • A Simple Way to Build a Potent Customer Mailing List 121
  • Building the Database 123
  • Mathematical Modeling 126
  • Renting Mailing Lists 129
  • If You Know a Company That Is Going Out Of Business, Buy Their Customers and The Right to
  • Fulfill on Orders 133
  • Restructuring the Customer Capturing System and Database 135
  • Segmenting the Customer List 136
  • Fully Utilize Your Customer List 136
  • Reactivating Old Customers & Clients 138
  • Contacting New Customers 144
  • Focus Your Efforts 146
  • Your Most Important Asset Is Your Customer List 147
  • How To Look At A Name: The Value Of A Specific Customer 148
  • Acquiring Qualified Lists 150
  • Offer A Consideration To The Host For The Benefit Of His/Her List 153
  • Mailing List Rental Is Another Income Generator 155
  • Testing Can’t Be Stressed Enough! 157
  • Four Key Rules Most Direct Marketers Overlook 158
  • Mailing And Postage 158
  • Media 159
  • Distribution 160
  • Follow-Up 162
  • Fund Raising 164
  • Offers 166
  • Printing and Typography 167
  • Products 168
  • Sampling 169
  • Special Occasions 169
  • Specialty Advertising 169
  • Show Me The Money! 170
  • Cost Per Thousand 170
  • Cost Per Order 174
  • Projecting and Budgeting 175
  • More Detail on Testing: Scientific Testing For Increased Response 177
  • Some Ideas On What To Test 180
  • Now Let’s Test The Tester — You! 184
  • More Tips To Stimulate Your Creativity 185
  • 34 Ways To Make Direct Mail Work For Your Customers 188
  • Letters That Increase Profits Like Crazy 190
  • More Examples 203
  • Pulling More Income Out of the Client’s Customer Base 210
  • Selling Products to a List Never Before Mailed 211
  • Boiler-Plate Scenarios: Four Simple Letters to Instantly Boost Profits by $25,000 211
  • Selling High Ticket Items 218
  • Identifying Potential Clients: Prefacing Letters to Set Up a Potential Client for Your Phone Call 219
  • Letters to Solicit Clients in Vertical Markets 228
  • Four Letters That Keep Customers Coming Back — and Profits Rolling In 231
  • Industry Suggestions 235
  • Great Examples 240

Chapter Three: Public Relations

  • What Is Publicity? 270
  • Work the Publicity and Public Relations Machine to Your Advantage 272
  • Be Alert To Promotion Opportunities — Call Them 273
  • Most Businesses Fail Because They Neglect to Promote Their Business 274
  • Know Who Your Customers Are 274
  • Promote Your Business To Them 275
  • Find the Unique Hook 277
  • The Nine Points of a Good News Release 277
  • Don’t Waste the Valuable Time of the Media With Unimportant Trivia 278
  • How to Generate Real News 279
  • Quality Over Quantity 279
  • Know Where To Put What 279
  • Use the Consumerism Angle 281
  • Targeting News Releases 283
  • Zeroing In On A Target 284
  • The Case of the Ketchup King 285
  • The Three Agendas of Public Relations: 288
  • Most People Mismanage PR in a Crisis 290
  • Four Quick Ways to Get Print PR 290
  • The Benefits of Using Radio for Publicity 291
  • You Must Tell the Right Story 293
  • Your Story Is Not An Expanded Advertising Message 294
  • Remember: The Press Does Not Owe You a Living! 294
  • Tie Your Story To Top National Stories vs. Top Local Stories 295
  • Your Story Should Piggyback Something Newsworthy 295
  • Add Your Story as a “Spin” on the Trend 296
  • To Make Your Story Relevant Add A “Twist” Or “Hook” 299
  • How to Fit the Consumer Into Your Story 300
  • Get Your Story Taken Seriously, Not Just Half-Read and Thrown in the Trash 301
  • Step-By-Step Procedure 302
  • How to Orchestrate a Perfect Appearance 306
  • How to Pitch Your Product Without Failing on your Face 307
  • When To Pitch Your Product 308
  • Be Prepared to Receive the Response 308
  • How Publicity Can Feed a Starving Company 309
  • Direct Contact Can Push Publicity 309
  • PR Ideas 310
  • Examples of Story Angles for Media: 314
  • Seize the Opportunity to Create More and Better Media Coverage 317
  • Don’t Forget to Say Thank You in a Meaningful Way 317
  • Make Media Relations a Two-Way Street 318
  • Am I Important Enough to Be Called By Name? 318
  • Should I Retain the Services of a Professional Publicist or Public Relations Firm? 318
  • Are You Prepared for the Response? 319
  • Always, Always Make Time for the Press! 320
  • Acquiring Qualified Lists 323
  • Distinguish Yourself Through Charity 323
  • Doctor Marc Rogers’ Magic Top Ten News Release Templates 324
  • How To Use These Templates 324
  • Template #1: New product or service launch 327
  • Template #2: New business scores 329
  • Template #3: Winning an award 332
  • Template #4: New appointments 335
  • Template #5: Anniversaries 337
  • Template #6: Business expansion 339
  • Template #7: Surveys 343
  • Template #8: Issues 346
  • Template #9: Charities and Sponsorship 349
  • Template #10: “Competition” 351
  • Excerpts from Consulting Calls 352
  • Use the Holiday Season to Improve Your Business 364
  • Drawings Draw Customers 364
  • Forget Cards — Send a Holiday Letter 364
  • Host a Party — a Big Party 365
  • Distinguish Yourself Through Charity 365
  • Public Relations Excerpts from One of My Seminars 371

Chapter Four: Offer Special Events for Customers and Prospects

  • Run Special Events (“Closed door” sales, preferred customer offers) 403
  • Using Special Events to Bring in First Time Buyers 403
  • Special Events Can Serve Many Purposes 404
  • Consider Having A Ongoing Series of Special Events 405
  • Using Special Events for Existing Customer Base 405
  • Using the Media to Attract People to Your Special Event 406
  • Make Special Offers for Existing Customers 407
  • Special Events for Preferred Customers 408
  • Using Special Events to Move Products 409
  • Special Events to Make Customers Feel Special 410
  • Offer “Preferred Customer” Discounts 410
  • Keys to a Successful Special Event 411
  • Examples and Ideas for Special Events 412
  • The Best Programs Recognizing the Customer as Someone Special 436
  • A Conversation with Fran Tarkenton 438
  • Set Yourself Apart From Competitors 439
  • A Conversation with Chet Holmes 440

Chapter Five: Marketing Your Unused Assets

  • Make an Inventory of Your “Hidden” Assets 444
  • Use Your Competitors’ Resources 445
  • Sell Your Unconverted Leads to Competitors 446
  • Licensing Your Products and Services 448
  • How To License Your Own Concepts 448
  • Market Ideas You’ve Learned Here To Your Industry Or Local Businesses 450

Chapter Six: Buying Other Businesses

  • The Dealmaker: The Philosophy Of Putting Deals Together 453
  • Know Your Business Purpose 453
  • Are You Ambitious? 454
  • Finding Your Business 454
  • The Reason Those Businesses are for Sale 455
  • The Proposal 457
  • How Do You Turn the Business Around? 459
  • Putting Deals Together 460
  • Where You Find Good Deals 461
  • Don’t Do It If You Can’t Buy Low 462
  • The Dealmaker As Strategist 462
  • Establishing Yourself As A Dealmaker 463
  • How To Make A Lasting Impression 464
  • Regarding Your Reputation 464
  • The Bank That Got Away 465
  • How To Buy A Bankrupt Bank 466
  • The Auction 466
  • Why It Didn’t Work 467
  • Words of Wisdom from Tom Phillips, Entrepreneur 467

Chapter Seven: Barter

  • An Overlooked Profit Opportunity 471
  • Create Purchasing Power At Will 471
  • Increase Your Sales With Barter 473
  • Pay Hard Costs With Soft Dollars 474
  • Get Easy Terms of Your Choosing 476
  • Leverage Your Dollars with Barter 477
  • How to Approach People for Barter Deals 478
  • Remember, You Sell the Benefits and the Advantages 479
  • Barter for Advertising 480
  • You Can Use Barter to Finance Growth 481
  • Turn Excess or Obsolete Inventory into Cash 484
  • Recycle Dollars Right Back Into Your Pocket 484

Special Bonus

Mr. X book

Topics Include...

  • Become A “Personality” Your Clients Recognize
  • Leading Your Client By the Hand
  • Find Synergistic Relationships From Which To Profit
  • Unique Selling Proposition
  • Package Deals As An Effective Marketing Maneuver
  • How Do You Turn the Business Around?
  • “Cheap” May Not Be Your Strongest Appeal
  • Cutting Your Cost Per Sale
Click For Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: CUSTOMERS

  • Your Greatest Asset – Is Your Customers
  • Your Best Prospects Are Your existing Customers
  • Keep An Accurate And Timely Customer List
  • Begin A Perpetual Communication With Your Customers
  • Reinforce The Buyer’s Buying Decision
  • Upsell Or Resell Right At Or Immediately After The Initial Sale
  • Increase The Marginal Net Worth Of The One-Time-Only Customer
  • Practice Perpetual Reselling And Cross-Selling
  • Ethically Exploit All Available Marketing and Redeployment Opportunities
  • Let The Marketplace Decide What They Want
  • Make Conservative And Inexpensive Tests To Determine Your Market
  • Understanding The Marginal Net Worth Of A Customer
  • Break Even May Not Be What You Think
  • Calculating Your Customer’s Value
  • Consultant/Client Interview Illustrating Geometric Growth
  • Become A “Personality” Your Clients (Customers) Recognize
  • All Business Start-Ups Should Have A Follow-Up Strategy In Place
  • Overlooked Opportunities Exist In All Businesses
  • Use Simple Phrases At Closing Time To Add Undiscovered Profits
  • Using Telemarketing To Boost Your Profits
  • Repeat Business For Many Is An Untapped Gold Mine
  • Your Offer Must Be Compelling
  • Use Limited Availability To Motivate Customers
  • Educate…Educate…Educate Your Customers And They Will Buy
  • The cost of Reselling An Existing Customer Pales to Getting A New One
  • Observe Customers Closely To Understand Their Needs
  • Work All Complaints, And Read Your Mail

Chapter 2: EDUCATION

  • You Must Out-Market Your Competitors
  • When You Educate Your Customers, You’ll See Your Profits Soar
  • You Must Lead Your Customer By the Hand
  • Always Give Your Customers The Reasons Why
  • The More Factual You Are With Me, The More I’ll Favor You
  • Educate People To Appreciate The Value Of What You Deserve
  • Tell Your Customers The Truth
  • Position Your Company As An Industry Expert
  • Send Out Press Releases
  • Defer “Self-Serving” For “Education-Rendering” Marketing
  • Use Preemptive Marketing To Make Customers Think Of You First


  • Find Synergistic Relationships From Which To Profit
  • Offer A Consideration To The Host For The Benefit Of His/Her List
  • New Profit Centers Change Customer’s Marginal Net Worth
  • You Are Not Going To Gain A Customer For Free
  • Host-Beneficiary Relationship Examples
  • Three Reasons Why Businesses Do Not Implement Profitable Activities
  • Never Turn A Customer Away, Profitably “Refer”
  • A Referral May Not Be Worth As Much As A Sale, But It’s Something
  • A Wonderful Way To Generate An Ongoing Stream Of Business
  • How To Create A Host/Beneficiary Relationship
  • Address The Fears Of The Host Immediately
  • Typical Objections You Should Be Prepared To Answer
  • Things To Watch out For
  • If It Doesn’t Cost You Time Or Resources And Makes You Money, Do It
  • Start Out With A Pilot Program
  • You’ll Be Amazed At What You Can Come Up With
  • Those Methods May Be “Unconventional” But They Work
  • Mailing List Rental Is Another Income Generator


  • Start Out With A Professional “Logo” (Trademark Image)
  • No Company Can Get By Without Advertising
  • Forgo Institutional Advertising
  • The Bottom Line On Advertising Lies With Its Integrity
  • Rarely If Ever Does A Product “Sell Itself”
  • Grow The Value Of Your Customer’s Business
  • Various Steps of Marketing
  • Your Goal Should Be To Capture The Dominant Market Position
  • 20% Of Your Customers Will Contribute 80% Of Your Volume
  • Show A Continual Interest In Your Past Customers
  • Offer Your Customers What “They Want”
  • Companies Get Big Because They Practice Honesty
  • Word Of Mouth Is Critical
  • Without Integrity, No Company Can Have Positive Word Of Mouth


  • Do Away With Indecision Soon And Choose A Definite Goal
  • You Are What You Think You Are
  • Know Exactly What You Want
  • Your Thoughts Control Your Actions
  • Every Adversity Carries The Seed Of Greater Benefit
  • Your Marketing Ideas Must Be Nurtured And Integrated Into The Blueprint Of Your Future
  • All Ideas Begin As The Result Of Definiteness Of Purpose
  • So Much Of What We Accomplish In Business And In Our Marketing Success Hinges On Our Mental Attitude
  • Persistence Is Insurance Against Failure


  • Adopt A USP That Addresses An Obvious Void In The Market-Place
  • Identify Needs That Are Going Unfulfilled In Your Industry
  • Focus On One Niche – Keep The Promises You Make
  • Be Clear And To The Point
  • The Price-Discount USP
  • The Service-Oriented USP
  • The Quality/Snob-Appeal USP
  • Reinforce Your USP In Every Aspect Of Your Marketing
  • Suggestions On Finding Your Niche
  • Embrace Believe, Postulate; Your USP With Everyone
  • Use The USP To Create Repeat Sales
  • Extend Your USP
  • Carry Out Your USP In Your, And Your Employees, Actions
  • Convey Your USP Even To Dissatisfied Customers


  • Salesmanship In Print And/Or Over The Air
  • Direct Response Brings Measurable Results
  • Direct Mail
  • Identify Your Market
  • The Giant Companies Use Direct Mail
  • Telemarketing
  • Should You Undertake Telemarketing?
  • Print Advertising
  • A Key Point To Remember About Direct Response
  • Model On What Others Are Successfully Using

Chapter 8: WRITING


  • Advertising Is Salesmanship
  • People Care Most About What Is Going To Benefit Them
  • They Want To Know You’re Qualified To Help Them
  • Cut Back On Costly Institutional Advertising
  • Ads Should Be Created To Stimulate A Direct Response – Immediate Action
  • Direct Response Ads Help Conserve Your Investment
  • Cutting Your Cost Per Sale
  • A Few Steps To Maximizing Your Advertising
  • The Importance Of Your Headline
  • Testing Is The Key To Successful Advertising
  • Test Your Method Of Illustration And Layout
  • Here’s How To Set Up Your Tests
  • Testing “Small” Can Reduce Downside Risks
  • Analyze Responses Carefully
  • A Product Can Be Advertised Without Investment
  • Use Advertising To Do Product Acceptance Research
  • You Can Prove Advertising’s Effectiveness
  • Making Headlines Work For You
  • Telegraph Your Advertising Message To Your Primary Prospects
  • Think Of Your Customers As Individuals
  • Lead Your Customers To “Buy”
  • Let Your Customer Try Your Product
  • “Cheap” May Not Be Your Strongest Appeal
  • Personalizing Can Help You Sell Product
  • Avoid Diminishing The Value Of Your Product
  • Target Your Prospects Appropriately
  • Don’t Brag, Just The Facts, Please
  • Be Specific
  • Draw Your Claims From Your Foundation
  • Say It First – Preemptive Marketing
  • Tell A Story – Stories Appeal To Individuals
  • Effective Ads Can Run For Years
  • Tell The Truth, But Make The Truth Fascinating
  • People Will And Do, Read Long Copy
  • Every Advertisement Should Be A Complete Sales Pitch
  • Use Testimonials In Your Copy
  • Channel And Direct “Desire For The Product” To You
  • Sell The Benefits – The “Functional Product” – What It Does
  • Satisfy The Market’s Desire By Underscoring Benefits
  • Find The Dominant Benefit – Make That Your Headline
  • The More You Tell, The More You Sell
  • Never Assume That Because You Know What You Mean, Your Reader Will
  • Promote What The Customer Really Wants
  • Do You Even “Need” To Compete On Price?
  • One Final Word On Price Cutting
  • How To Use Illustrations To Help Advertisements Sell
  • Grab The Reader And Attract Attention With Your Headline
  • Show Prospective Customers The Advantage Of Using You
  • Persuasion Techniques In Print
  • Closing The Sale
  • You Should Be Able To Write Your Own Best Ad
  • A Few Things For You To Know About Classified Ads
  • How To Make Yellow Page Advertising Work For You
  • Television Advertising’s Unique Features
  • The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Small Ads
  • Ten Limitations Of Small Ads
  • Ten Advantages of Small Ads
  • How To Make Deals That Can Cut Your Advertising Cost
  • PI Advertising Can Make Sweet Deals For All
  • Who Does Per-Inquiry Advertising?
  • What Types of Media Allow Per-Inquiry Advertising
  • Finding Your Advertising Niche
  • Timing Your PI Offers
  • Why Would An Advertising Medium Use Per-Inquiry Advertising?
  • How To Write a PI Ad
  • Getting PI Ad placed
  • It Helps To Know Someone Who Knows Someone


  • Turning Prospects Into Buyers
  • Begin The Sales Process With The Very First Contact
  • Make Doing Business With You Inviting, Fun, And Easy
  • Customer’s Desires And Situations Are Constantly Changing
  • Regular Communication Can Be Rewarding
  • Risk Reversal Is A Strong Conversion Technique
  • Strong Guarantees Help You Convert Prospects To Customers
  • The Better-Than-Risk-Free Guarantee
  • Adding Other Incentives For Your Prospects To Buy
  • Some Lessons From Enterprising Entrepreneurs In Mexico
  • Package Deals As An Effective Marketing Maneuver
  • Repackaging Existing Products Or services Wins Renewal Business
  • Following Up On Sales Lead
  • Techniques That Help Get The Order
  • Using Common-Sense Market Research
  • Validate The Market Before You Invest
  • The Creative Emulation Marketing Test Concept
  • Another Way To Get A Priceless Marketing Education
  • Sure-Fire Special Promotions
  • Special Cash Promotions
  • Turning Problems Into Opportunities
  • The “Tax Problem” Promotion
  • The “Marketing Test” Approach
  • Using “Paper Perceived Value” For The Ethical Bribe
  • Post-Purchase Reassurance
  • Referrals
  • “Assumptive Letters”
  • The Two-Step Approach


  • The Four Types Of Direct Mail Promotions
  • The List Is The Most Important Factor
  • Components Of A Direct Mail Package
  • Using Computers To Target Your Best Mailing List
  • Read Your Mail, See What “They” Are Doing
  • The Reasons You Should Use Direct Mail
  • You Put A Salesperson At The Customer’s Convenience
  • You Generate New Business
  • The Carrier Envelope
  • The Sales Letter
  • Joe Karbo’s Advice
  • The Component’s Of A Sales Letter
  • Headlines Are The Key
  • The Body Of A Sales Letter
  • Present The Facts, State The Basic Truths
  • Close That Deal To Make The Sale
  • How Long Should Your Letters Be
  • Put Technical Information In Your Brochure
  • Coupons Can Help You Track Response
  • Your Reply Envelope Pays In Response
  • Basic Considerations
  • Action Stimulators
  • Copy
  • Credit Cards
  • Distribution
  • Enclosures
  • Envelope Mailing
  • Envelopes, Reply
  • Follow-Up
  • Formats, Direct Mail
  • Fund Raising
  • Guarantees And Warranties
  • Inquiry Handling
  • Lay-out and Art
  • Mailing And Postage
  • Marker
  • Media, Other
  • Objectives
  • Offers
  • Order Forms/Response Vehicles
  • Presentation
  • Printing And Typography
  • Products
  • Response
  • Sampling
  • Special Occasions
  • Specialty Advertising
  • Testing
  • Cost Per Thousand
  • Cost Per Order
  • Projecting and Budgeting
  • Questions For Review
  • Scientific Testing For Increased Response
  • Some Ideas On What To Test
  • Questions For Review
  • Analyzing The Copy
  • An Overlooked Technique
  • Human Interest Direct Response Copy
  • The Power Of Customer Endorsements
  • Use Testimonials
  • Send Your Clients As Unexpected Gift
  • The Power Of Risk Reversals And Preview Periods
  • More On Testimonials Boosting Response
  • Other Techniques To Close More Sales
  • Eight Letters That Increase Profits Like Crazy


  • Qualify Your Telemarketing Prospects
  • Don’t Set-Up Mailing Before Calling
  • How To Hire Telemarketers
  • Two-Tier Calling Can Qualify Interested Parties
  • Keep The Telemarketers On the Phone
  • Monitor What Telemarketers Say
  • You Have About 30 Seconds To Appeal
  • Learn To Ask Questions, It’s The Best Way To Sell
  • A “Service” Call Is A Good Introduction
  • Telemarketing Don’ts
  • How To Use The Telephone
  • When The Prospect Calls You
  • How To Respond To A Prospect Who Writes
  • Using The telephone To Follow-Up Leads


  • How Your Vendors Can Help You Market Yourself
  • When Costs Weigh Less Than Results
  • The Principle Of Variable Incentives
  • Building A Valuable Back-End
  • How To Get Vendors To Finance You!
  • Adjust The Deal To Your Circumstances
  • Better Results With Less Risk
  • Why Variables Work
  • Your Success Means Their Success
  • Bringing Variable Compensation Into Sharper Focus
  • How Much Risk Are You Asking Them To Take?
  • How Spending More Can Get You More
  • How To Structure The Deal For Easy Renegotiating
  • Use Compensation That Has Perceived And Real Value
  • Look Around At What Else You Can Offer
  • Find Areas Of Mutual Benefit
  • Turn Your Vendors Into Venture Capitalists
  • How To Find And Approach The Right Vendors
  • Know Your Facts And Figures
  • How To Profit From Vendor/Supplier Relationships
  • Creating A Competitive Atmosphere
  • Other Ways To Use Vendors
  • How You Can Profit From Professional Relationships


  • How To Turn Publicity Into A Powerful Sales Tool
  • What Is Publicity?
  • The Benefits Of Using Radio For Publicity
  • You Must Tell The Right “Story”
  • Your Story Is Not An Expanded Advertising Message
  • Your Story Must “Piggyback” Something “Newsworthy”
  • You Can Piggyback On Current Events, Trends Or Fads
  • Trends Can Be Spotted If You Look Carefully
  • Add Your Story As A “Spin” On The Trend
  • Top National Stories vs Top Local Stories
  • To Make Your Story Relevant Add A “Twist” Or “Hook”
  • Fit The Consumer Into Your Story
  • How To Approach The Producer
  • A Step By Step Procedure
  • What You Will Send
  • What Else You Should Send
  • Calling The Producer
  • Contact Them Again and Again
  • Your Appearance
  • Avoid Making Your Appearance A Commercial
  • Avoid Yes/No Responses
  • Avoid Beating A Dead Horse
  • How To Orchestrate A Perfect Appearance
  • How To Pitch Your Product Without Falling On Your Face
  • When To Pitch Your Product
  • Be Prepared To Receive The Response
  • The Press Release
  • How Publicity Can Feed A Starving Company
  • Direct Contact Can Push Publicity
  • Be Alert To Promotion Opportunities – Call Them
  • Most Businesses Fail Because They Neglect To Promote Their Business
  • Know Who Your Customers Are
  • Promote Your Business To Them
  • Find The Unique Hook
  • Learn The “News Release Format”
  • The Nine Points Of A Good News Release
  • Know Where To Put What
  • Use The Consumerism Angle
  • Targeting News Releases
  • Zeroing In On A Target
  • The Case Of The Ketchup King


  • A Problem-Solving Approach Can Dramatically Increase Orders
  • Pushing Your Salesperson’s “Hot Button”
  • You Should Never Stop Learning
  • Tips For Coaching Your Sales Force
  • Making The Most Of Rejection
  • Six Key Strategies For Dealing With Rejection
  • Eleven Top-Notch Suggestions To Improve Your Listening Skills
  • Begin By Closing The Sale
  • How To Handle The Failure Syndrome
  • Constantly Recruit Salespeople For Your Force
  • Offer A Desirable Payoff To Your Sales Force
  • Profile The Job And The Employee
  • Play Off Your Salespeople’s Values
  • What To Look For In A Salesperson

Chapter 16: BARTER

  • The Advantages Of Barter
  • Determine Your Barter Leverage Position
  • Start With The Obvious
  • Offer Unlimited Time/Date Use
  • Go Wild With Possibilities
  • Triangulation The Hidden Key To Greater Barter Riches
  • The Restaurateur and the Auto
  • Setting Up A Three-Way Trade
  • Finding Your “Hidden” Profits
  • Get the Gas and Insurance Free, Too
  • Some Possible Variations


  • Yellow Page Ads That Pull
  • Effective Direct Mail Letters
  • Newsletters for Your Current Practice and To Attract Clients
  • Using Lectures and Seminars to Draw Potential New Clients
  • Tapes and Transcripts of Seminars Are Powerful Marketing Tools
  • Developing A Professional Business
  • Investing Time and Money in Marketing
  • Bartering Services to Leverage Marketing Power
  • Marginal Net Worth: Bring In Clients at Loss and Still Make A Fortune
  • Reducing Taxes and Getting Your Write-Off Back
  • Buying Practices
  • Tax-Deductible Cruise Seminars
  • Rolling Revenues and Expenses from Corporate To Personal Income and Back
  • Columns with Your By-Line in the Local Newspaper
  • Becoming the Medical or Financial Director of Businesses
  • Twenty-Four-Hour Information Hotlines
  • Profitable Seminars
  • Clinics To Increase Cash Flow And Profits
  • Follow-Up On Clients
  • A Short Course In Humanese
  • Time Donations Bring Maximum Marketing Dividends
  • Tracking Results Of Advertising
  • Using Other People To Fulfill Your Obligations
  • Creating Instant Stature, Respect and Prestige


  • Clothiers
  • Wholesalers
  • Mail-Order Business
  • Lawyers
  • Coin Dealers
  • Travel Agencies
  • Health And Fitness Clubs
  • Tanning Salons
  • Car Dealers
  • Oral Surgeons
  • Hotels
  • Financial Planners/Insurance Salespeople
  • Bus Coach Travel Companies
  • Mutual Funds
  • Video Rental Stores
  • Software Publishers
  • Mom-And-Pop Grocery Stores
  • Banks
  • Credit Clean-Up Services
  • Loan Brokers
  • Importers
  • Plant Services
  • Office Equipment Companies
  • Quickprint Shops
  • Mini-Warehouse (self-storage) Facilities
  • Newsletter Publishers
  • Investors
  • Newspaper Publishers
  • Carpet Companies
  • Carpet Cleaning Companies
  • Restaurants
  • Beauty Supply Distributors
  • Franchisors
  • Florists
  • Office Supply Stores
  • Bakeries
  • Telephone Answering Services
  • Pet Shops
  • Accountants
  • Dry Cleaners
  • Liquor Stores
  • Heating And Air-Conditioning Services
  • Advertising Agencies
  • Medical Specialists
  • Dentists
  • Resume Preparation Services
  • Pharmacists
  • Retirees
  • Employees Of Companies
  • Entrepreneurs


  • Licensing Your Products And Services
  • How To License Your Own Concepts
  • Market Ideas You’ve Learned Here To Your Industry Or Local Businesses
  • Learn What Others Do And Teach Their Concepts
  • Here’s A Simple Licensing Pitch
  • Putting On Focused Seminars For A Fee
  • View Every Marketing Opportunity As A Chance To Profit
  • Turning “Used” Assets


  • Taking Your Clients By The Hand
  • Motivating Your Clients To Action
  • The Powerful Case
  • Sitting Around The Fire
  • Answer Their Questions!
  • Get People To Respond
  • Avoid The Major Marketing Pitfalls
  • Develop A World-Class Marketing Perspective
  • Where I’m Coming From
  • Be A Great Marketer
  • Our Setting Giving John A Hand
  • Giving John A Hand
  • Can I Afford To Do This?
  • Contacting New Customers
  • Let’s Be Realistic
  • The Old “Any Excuse For A Sale”
  • “But I Don’t Own A Restaurant!”

The Profit Glossary

Total investment in the set...


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