Creating Your Own Business Success


The ultimate, and arguably THE most definitive, comprehensive and actionable user's guide on entrepreneurship for millennials / baby boomers / retirees available on business creation—that you may ever experience… and also, the only one Jay will ever do again!

Ok, let me make this rapid and to the point.

The following is a comprehensive overview of my “Creating Your Own Business Success” home study program —broken down into two parts and from two different perspectives…

The first is from our Director of Admissions who explains my vision of how this program will help you to finally become the master of your business destiny and what the potential outcome of participating in the program should be to you. It is long out of necessity, but I assure you it is worth reading.

The second is a review of each of the foundational components and elements I have combined into this program. And, you are welcome to skip straight to part two if you already know that this program is a great opportunity and just want to know what you'll be receiving as a client.


Hear what others are saying about Jay's "Creating Your Own Business Success" course...


Dear Jay Abraham Loyalist,

Jay Abraham is offering you the opportunity to discover, learn and master how to create a successful moneymaker business––starting from scratch—with no capital, and with little or no risk.

During this multi-phase home study course—you'll get to learn directly from Jay, and have the opportunity to achieve a remarkable entrepreneurial transformation.

"transition to the successful business-builder achiever you’ve always wanted to be..."

We believe that our 12 remarkably stimulating video sessions -- combined with a no-no-nonsense compendium of action-based instructional resources -- can profoundly help resolve many pitfalls, challenges, negative environment, difficulties or uncertainty you’ve struggled with in the past.

Participation in this process will fully redirect you into a far more promising start-up or acquisition entrepreneur.

You’ll experience the transition to the successful business-builder achiever you’ve always wanted to be. This process will electrify and energize your mind -- and motivate you with the ability to finally make your vision a monumental moneymaking reality.

"emerge at the end of this course with a sense of absolute certainty about yourself and your business..."

You will not only hold yourself to a far higher achievemental standard of accomplishment, aspiration, performance, possibility --  you’ll also totally reshape the business vision you have of yourself.

You’ll know how to deal exactly with whichever scenario you decide to pursue.

You’ll start the program with an understandable uncertainty -- BUT you’ll emerge at the end of it with a sense of absolute certainty about yourself, what you’re committed to creating in business, and most importantly –– you’ll feel enormous confidence/liberation about your business destiny path.

No matter why, where and how you got to the place you’re at now –– you’ll discover new, effective ways to “push and stretch” yourself far beyond the plateau or comfort level you’ve operated at in the past. And you’ll be able to definitely handle things you could never master before.

"results can be continuously multiplying –– IF you follow the protocols Jay will share..."

You’ll get answers, tools, techniques, methodology, and negotiating instruction to help you gain more drive, personal conviction, self-confidence. The course will get you to move yourself to high-level action -- at your level of courage and readiness. But you’ll also see how you can continuously accomplish amazing things in your business world.

Unless we're wrong, doing all this could continuously improve your financial condition and wealth.

Once you learn all the powerful options and opportunities available –– without requiring capital or risk –– amazing accomplishments could soon occur. And results can be continuously multiplying –– IF you follow the protocols Jay will share.

"learn all the powerful opportunities available that don't require capital or risk..."

If you really want to become a different cut of high achieving, different thinking entrepreneur –– this home study journey with Jay could be the answer.

You’ll learn enormously powerful relationship methods, for bridging communication gaps that may have constrained your results previously.

You’ll create a precise, sequential, step-by-step action plan to clearly and safely follow.

Sounds too good to be true?  Well, it’s reachable, achievable and highly possible, through the process Jay created.

Obviously, Jay can’t be responsible for what you do, or don’t do, with all that he has created for you. There are few guarantees in life. Even less in business. Success in this endeavor is totally up to you.

But unless you want to remain employed or go back to employment –– then your choices are either mediocrity or greatness. Struggle or celebrate. Irrelevancy or iconoclastic status –– in whatever business area you pursue.

Being in control and command, or being controlled and commanded by a marketplace or an employer, that’s really the choice in question.

"expand your sense of what’s possible for you and your future..."

Here are some things you might experience during this course:

A realization that you are always (and have always been) in full and absolute control of your business destiny. That means you could have the happiness, financial and emotional fulfillment, business success, means, achievement, satisfaction and peace of mind you crave.

Seriously –– you can!

This program will vastly expand your sense of what’s possible for you and your future. It entails powerful stuff that’s rather hard to describe….

If you struggled to either get started in business, start a business going and growing, buy a good business –– but are actually serious about becoming unusually successful and making considerably increased income forever –– you’ll thoroughly enjoy the 12 sessions and process Jay has created.

"how to out think, out sell, out market, out position, out value create and ultimately out earn the competition..."

Each module will enable you to see things you’ve never looked at, thought about or seen possibilities in before. They show you an abundance of techniques you fail to recognize, utilize –– let alone master. They teach you how to add value and then increase that value for others.

No matter the economy, or how steep your competition –– you’ll have the certainty of knowing you can (and will) be able to create business success, respectable income –– and if you choose wisely…True Wealth.

You’ll learn how to redefine, reposition and permanently forge a preemptive position in your business that’s like a moat for your newly started or acquired business in which no competitor can penetrate.

You’ll learn how to become a long-term strategic planner… to out think, out sell, out market, out position, out value create and ultimately out earn the competition.

This is all part of Jay’s vision of how you should emerge upon completing this course.

Finally, you should become empowered to:

  1. Really get serious and get rid of restrictors, limiting beliefs, constraints that have held you back before.
  2. Revitalize your entrepreneurial spirit.

"clarifying, stimulating, motivating and actionable..."

This unrivaled adventure in new business creation will be so clarifying, stimulating, motivating and actionable –– you’ll get goosebumps every step of the way.

Just remember this: if you’ve been less than successful trying to start and/or sustain (or acquire) a new business in the past (operative word here is in the past)… The past is not the futureAnd your past is not your future.

Whether or not you avail yourself of this HALF PRICE offering –– it is essential that you understand this point:

You can absolutely create a successful new business or acquire a good moneymaker business or joint venture a lucrative new profit center with a larger successful business, or media group, or association, or nonprofit IF you apply the right dynamics.

Enough OTHER people have done it—so there’s a precedent you can follow.

Seriously –– within reason, you can do anything you want (and Jay's definition of reason is far more stratospheric and elevated then you probably allowed yourself in the past). Again it IS totally up to you. But having a huge leg up goes a long, long way towards weighting success in your favor.

What Jay is hoping will happen for you through the process is that you emerge from this encounter completely clear and empowered to both define and then successfully pursue the new business venture you’ve chosen:

You should be emboldened and confident to:

  1. Really get a business of your choice going and growing –– safely, profitably relatively rapidly.
  2. Rid yourself of self-limitations and self-doubt about becoming a successful entrepreneur.
  3. Understand what to do to combine his strategies and methods for maximum results and success.
  4. Wake up every day feeling better about your business future than you’ve ever felt before.
  5. Learn to change your paradigm from un-resourceful to uber-resourceful.
  6. You’ll be able to unleash the entrepreneur within.
  7. You’ll see more clearly how a number of impact/leverage points properly applied will ultimately add up to a large and powerful success result.


If you never could afford being mentored by the one-and-only Jay Abraham –– here finally, is your chance.

If you want/need to learn to understand and enjoy entrepreneurship –– this should provide the path.

If you want more confidence and self-assurance as an entrepreneur than ever before, fill yourself with excitement, exuberance, and positive anticipation once again –– or perhaps for the first time ever, this training program should ignite that!

If you want to start finally achieving your goal of owning a successful business, Jay will do everything possible to help you make that happen.

If you want to get techniques and guidance to always motivate yourself and others in whatever business direction you take –– Jay will share his own personal processes through the abundance of content he provides.

You’ll learn to put yourself in a constant state of seeing yourself always succeeding in business. Jay learned this from a grand master; it’s about feeling awesome, and when you do it, it actually drives massive increases in intangible achievement.

You’ll get a powerful, personal strategy to pursue –– then achieve whatever realistic business goals you define for yourself.

You’ll discover how to own a great successful business that keeps working harder and harder for you than you work for it.

You’ll get a commitment to excellence and preeminence that powers unfathomable positive responses from whatever marketplace you go after. Your business performance will improve, improve again, and improve again; because you’ll be able to turn obstacles into business opportunities.

I know this sounds like a lot –– but we have thousands of success stories and case studies that definitely possess the track record and testimonials to validate that Jay can help you do this –– If YOU are willing to help yourself.

"learn how to think, act, and transact business differently than before for optimal success.."

It’s just not what Jay has chosen to focus on for quite awhile.

In case you’re wondering why Jay would even go through the trouble of creating all this perspective for something he’s actually avoiding doing, has already done, and it’s already been successfully sold for twice the price to people throughout the UK and Asia–– it’s that commitment to excellence and preeminence he talked about above!

We realize now how many people live that life of quiet desperation that Thoreau talked about –– and all the lonely people the Beatles wrote about –– just because they can’t seem to get a solid moneymaker business going, growing, sustaining.

Since Jay has already made the live version of this course available to others–– it just seems tragic not to do everything in his power to make it irresistibly available to you, too, through this potent home study course.

Remember Jay is doing this –– offering it to you for half price -- because he wants very badly to have a chance to teach you how to think, act, and transact business differently than before –– for optimal success and fulfillment, not for financial reward.

Jay wants to help you become a successful entrepreneur and broaden your mindset.

So if you’re ready for a positive change about business creation and ready to move up to a higher level and understanding of business building…then contact me immediately.


Rob Signature

Rob Colasanti
Director of Admissions, TAG

Watch this video for a brief overview of Jay's extensive background, shared by Daymond John and Tony Robbins

Here's what is included in the program

This program takes you from the point of wanting to own, start, or buy a business, and it teaches you how to evaluate your very best options and opportunities. The information will also help you decide whether you should go into business full or part time to start, whether you should bring in partners or investors, whether you can bootstrap instead…

Each component introduces and addresses various business options, possibilities, categories and pathways to you, so you will gain a clear-cut understanding before you begin taking action.

The program will teach you how to take a startup or an existing product or service business that is marketed online or offline and learn how to build it, grow it, buy it (if you’re acquiring another one), and to be successful online and offline concurrently.

  • 1

    12 video modules

    In each thought provoking and action oriented module, Jay covers a very specific topic related to successfully starting and growing your business to monumental levels. Each module has been specifically designed to cover the most important and complete concepts, methodologies and strategies required for success. These concepts have been hand picked by Jay himself and deemed as the highest and most relevant for fast tracking your business success.

  • 2

    Recordings of 6 live group calls with Jay

    The live version of Creating Your Own Business Success featured six live group calls with Jay. Listen to these priceless session recordings and you will be exposed to the multitude of pathways, possibilities and options you readily have available, including: Creating a product or service that you sell online or offline part-time, buying a product or service company in a way that you use no initial capital and bear very little risk, buying a franchise on a pure performance basis, how to implement Jay's proven "power partnering" strategies to rapidly accelerate your growth, and so much more.

  • 3

    Virtual thumb drive filled with programs valued at over $20,000

    The virtual thumb drive contains a colossal business reference library of Jay’s products derived from over 30 years of Jay’s experience in the business development field. There are over 20+ Videos, 80+ PDFs, 150 mp3s, 5 complete programs which combined are worth over $20,000.

  • 4

    A collection of 11 industry experts interviewed by Jay

    In each video, Jay interviews one expert who is a prominent business leader in their industry and skill set, to dissect and reveal to you the very best of the best practices in their own specific area of expertise in a way that shows you exactly how to apply the concepts covered, to your own chosen business ventures.

If this resonates with you, contact Rob Colasanti immediately at or (727) 480-8853. You can also access his easy to use call scheduler software by clicking the button below.

Book CallClick Here To Schedule A Call With Rob

Here's the breakdown of the video modules

  • 1

    Installing & Instilling The Entrepreneur’s Mindset

    This module is designed to install and instill in you, the entrepreneur's mindset. To take you from wherever you are right now, to a different mental model, a different paradigm. Here you are going to learn a different way of thinking of yourself and the vast world around you. Jay will show you how to think, act and transact business like a successful entrepreneur.

  • 2

    Drivers of Performance

    This module is designed to help you recognize what Jay calls, "The drivers of performance." These individual drivers are some of the key contributing factors for your success or lack thereof. You'll need to be fully aware and strategizing on a constant and consistent basis to use them to propel you forward. If you are not doing so, you're leaving it up to luck/chance or factors beyond your awareness that most likely won't be in your favor. You'll learn how to maximize your performance and output for each and every action you take directly/indirectly again through understating "The drivers of performance."

  • 3

    The Entrepreneur’s Template

    In this module, Jay shares with you the details of templated processes for what you need to do right away, and how you should be using whatever you should be doing right now to move yourself to a higher ground. This module goes deeper and adds more context to the business process templates provided in this program designed to build and grow your business in a step by step manner.

  • 4

    Positioning For Your Business

    In this module, Jay focuses on why and how to implement correct positioning in your business, product or services. This is an important module because most businesses have the wrong positioning or no positioning. With the wrong positioning your telegraph a totally wrong message to the market that you want. With no positioning, you are no different than anybody else in the eyes of your market.

  • 5

    Tactics vs. Strategy

    In this module, Jay talks about the difference between tactics and strategy. Most people do not understand or can't differentiate between the two and as a result, they operate episodically. Not understanding and implementing the right strategy and tactics in all areas of your business can result in failure.

  • 6

    Re-Defining Marketing

    In this module, Jay discusses in great depth the concept that has taken him of 30 years of testing and implementing in over 465 industries, and that is the concept of marketing. Marketing is a skill that is very often misunderstood and under-utilized because it can seem very intimidating and/or abstract. This module will forever shift the perspective on how you use proper and ethical marketing in a way that will position you as the most trusted advisor to your market and everyone else you transact with.

  • 7

    The "Three Ways to Grow a Business” Model

    In this module, Jay teaches you the key to all business growth no matter what business you are in. This is one of the most powerful models that Jay has ever constructed in his massive body of work.

  • 8

    Upselling, Cross-Selling, Down-Selling, Packaging

    In this module, Jay describes and explains in detail these very important concepts. He goes into the how, where and why of implementing them to increase your sales.

  • 9

    Monetizing, Maximizing, and Managing Relational Capital

    Here you will learn the methodology, strategy, methods, concepts, and systems Jay has used to generate well in excess of $2 billion dollars for his clients and himself with no capital and no risk.

  • 10

    Consultative/Advisory Selling

    In this module, Jay covers a universal concept, one that is applicable in all industries. Consultative/Advisory selling is a certain type of sales process that does not involve manipulative techniques or pushy methods to ethically persuade your market to buy your products and services.

  • 11

    Trust Building

    This module may define your success probability and how you market sees you, your team, product or service, and brand more than anything else. It is about how to create the connection with your market and team as the most trustworthy, authentic, qualitative and pure representation of their best interest.

  • 12

    Practice Accountability

    This module teaches you the importance of accountability. If you don't perform the priorities that are necessary in a timely way, if you don't follow through, if you don't deal with opportunities or problems in a proper way, then you are going to limit your success.

Here are just a few topics you’ll hear Jay discuss

during the live session recordings

  • Creating a product or service that you sell offline part-time.
  • Buying a product or service company in a way that you use no initial capital and bear very little risk.
  • Buying a franchise on a pure performance basis.
  • Finding a successful business in a limited marketing “niche” area, and acquiring the rights to duplicate their model in other parts of the country or the world.
  • Bringing products, services or technology from outside this country, inside, by getting exclusive rights to countries or categories.
  • Getting products from here and taking them to other countries/markets.
  • Creating new profit centers for other companies that you own half interest in that already benefit from that company’s strong/trusting buyer base, brand position, existing operations and infrastructure.
  • Getting rights to licenses, processes, and systems you can either sell, joint venture, revenue-share or train other people to do.
  • Helping existing businesses grow their profit and thus their asset value, so they can be sold for a much higher price with you sharing continuously in the increased profit while the current owner controls it, and you getting a share of the selling price when it is sold.
  • Becoming a marketing freelancer for other companies.
  • Becoming a dealmaker who engineers joint ventures, strategic alliances, partnerships of all kinds, and shares continuously in the cash flow resulting.
  • Taking other people’s products from offline and selling them online, or developing for those offline businesses an online division that you own half of.
  • Using your natural skill ability, aptitude or strongest asset to create a lucrative part-time cash flow.
  • Developing a strategy to create a mini-empire that can be based on controlling different businesses in totally different sectors and industries, one group of businesses that support and complement each other in one industry.
  • Becoming an asset maximizer for other companies, where you find overlooked assets, hidden opportunities, underperforming activities, underutilized resources or relationships or distribution channels, and you figure out how to make them monetize bigger, better, longer, and share in the revenue.
  • Creating mastermind groups, putting people together from different industries you would meet regularly, and participants pay you a fee to facilitate the collaboration, idea-sharing, and engineering of breakthroughs.

Here is a breakdown of the 11 interviews

  • Greg Link - Leading Authority on Trust, Sales, Marketing, & High Performance: Key perspectives from Stephen M.R. Covey’s partner, Greg Link, on how you and your business can gain 300 percent more performance, sales, and success through trust building.
  • Stephan Spencer - World Renowned SEO Author, Speaker & Strategist: How to gain prominence without gaining mastery in SEO today.
  • Robert Hargrove - Executive Coach, Speaker, Author, Thought Leader, & Business Guru: How anybody can bootstrap their business to greatness colossally.
  • Jon Benson - The Godfather of the Video Sales Letter (VSL): On the why, the where, the how and lessons I doubt he’s ever shared in this format this deeply before, on how to make your online sales letters explode.
  • Rich Schefren - President and CEO of Strategic Profits: One of online marketing’s true pioneers.
  • Dan Roitman - Founder and CEO of “Stroll": Explains details with full graphic illustration, how to grow any business 16 times over in the shortest time possible. He used it to grow his business to almost $100 million.
  • Anthony Mink - CEO of Altruology, LLC: Exposing social media, explaining it, and ethically exploiting it from a different point of view.
  • Perry Marshall - Business Consultant & Online Marketing Strategist: Dispelling the biggest marketing myth of them all.
  • Marylou Tyler - Process Expert, Speaker, & Author: On the strategy Salesforce used to go from tiny to mighty, explained 2 separate ways: one technologically, the other by dividing and conquering the different levels of prospect viability factors that exist in any market.
  • Carlos Dias - International Corporate Executive, the “CEO Who Sees Around Corners.”: A sophisticated successful international corporate executive tells why, how, and where most small to medium entrepreneurs fall flat and how to rapidly fix the problem.
  • Jeremiah Desmarais - Insurance Marketing Executive & B2B Marketing Strategist: He will show you LinkedIn from a whole new slant.

You'll receive access to a virtual thumb drive

filled with a compendium of programs

valued at over $20,000

The virtual thumb drive contains a colossal business reference library of Jay’s products derived from over 30 years of Jay’s experience in the business development field. There are over 20+ Videos, 80+ PDFs, 150 mp3s, 5 complete programs which combined are worth over $20,000.

Books by Jay

  • The CEO Who Sees Around Corners
  • Find the Motherlode of Wealth in Your Business
  • Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got
  • The Sticking Point Solution

Training Programs

  • Barter/Triangulation
  • Cracking the Millionaire Code
  • For Your Marketing Eyes Only
  • Guardian Angel Wealth Mentorship
  • How to Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be
  • Jay Abraham Interview Videos (2015)
  • Marketing Wizard’s Edge (Volume 1 & 2)
  • Master Mind Marketing Mentorship
  • Masters of Passive Income
  • Power Bartering
  • Relational Capital
  • Jay Abraham's "Super Books" Compendium (all 5 volumes)
  • The LA Super Seminar Video Footage and Workbook (4 day event, sold for $9,000 per ticket)
  • Your Marketing Genius At Work

If this resonates with you, contact Rob Colasanti immediately at or (727) 480-8853. You can also access his easy to use call scheduler software by clicking the button below.

Book CallClick Here To Schedule A Call With Rob